Monday, July 27, 2009

Chronicles de desastrado…

If ever there was a Guinness record for clumsiness… I’d surely give the record holder a run for his/her money….

I mean how maladroit can a 23 year old woman be!!!

Butter handed, falling on wet floor, spilling liquids (most of the times unceremoniously on my humble self), wedging myself in the automatic doors, getting shut off in the emergency stairs, type stupid jokes in the wrong person’s chat window (yes I once typed a joke on my manager on his office IM) ….. and this one’s the cherry on top of the icing…. Forgetting to take the change back almost always…. This hurts more than a swollen ankle trust me…

Why and how I establish such venerable feats at this age I have no freaking clue… L

PS: this piece was written post one such accident; do not judge me by this…