Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Solitary Reaper...

Its 7:22 pm… just 38 more minutes to freedom…
But 8 p.m., my happiest time of the day, during the last few days hasn’t been so joyous.

The fact that my sole flat mate has left for home, leaves me home alone.

So every day at 8, I pack my bags at top speed to reach the auto stand before it gets empty… oh I have learned a useless though intelligent trick… as soon as I am inside the auto I pretend to b calling my mum and say that I’d b home in 10 mins…. Dunno if that even rubs off on telugu speaking autowalas…
So annnyways… I reach home to dark empty echoing rooms… being highly imaginative not to mention darrpok I sneak in switching on all lights and check every nook and corner of the house before settling down in my room, locking it fr good…

But staying alone has its own virtue…
I mean you have the whole bloody place to yourself, for what I know not, but the important thing is that I do…
I get a lot of sympathy and extra attention and extra consideration and extra time from a person far far away yet not so far away…
Also I think I can shed a little bit of that extra fat by having dry Barista’s slimmer’s choice sandwich for dinner… alone… which by the way tastes like rubber glued with mucous and cabbage, but I have to have it anyways as that’s the only thing left by end of the day…
I can absorb myself in reading with zero disturbances… oh how I wish to be disturbed though… (Fountainhead btw is really awesome and Howard Roark is even awesomer… he keeps building structures with integrity till I fall asleep…)
I can put music on loud (though the fact that my lappy’s speakers totally suck don’t make it too enjoyable either)
I can use both the available buckets and the clips and the clothes string and wash my clothes anytime I want (that is a very important understanding you share with your flatmate you know… requires adjustments aaall the time…)
I can have the shared internet connection all to myself… but hell I get soo tired of typing away at the office all day that I’d rather do anything else…

So yeah… I never thought that I’d ever grow up to live alone… but here I am… living all alone in a strange city… wishing these lonely days to be over asap…