Thursday, June 4, 2009

The beginning...


To all who may care to listen....

This, is another of those many attempts in my life where I began enthusiastically... promising myself to keep putting that effort to pursue my passion, no matter what...
(many of those attempts did not survive a fortninght, a few hours in some cases)

Well this time I promise myself this:
I'll write....

Write because i want to write... just like I've always wanted to...
Write because,
I want to share without being judged...
I want to write without being edited...
I want to be heard without imposing...

So lets see how long this enthusiasm lasts...

And till it lasts ..... Happy reading!!!


  1. welcome to the blogging jungle!! u will be judged, u will b edited n u will be criticized! A LOT!!! but the best part is that u will heard, or rather, read...

  2. Keep up the work :)


  3. Thanks for your honest feedback Shimonty... and thank you for your encouragement sid...
